Launching a Rooibos activation programme in China

On 15 March this year, a Rooibos activation programme was hosted at the Regent Hotel, Beijing, to increase the awareness and uptake of Rooibos in the Chinese market. The overall objective was to increase the volume of value-added South African exported products to the Chinese market. On the guest list were members of the Chinese media and opinion leaders. The programme was endorsed by the Rooibos Council and supported by Chinese importers as well as Rooibos Limited which has an office in Shanghai.

Guests learned about the story of Rooibos through a presentation and a display of Rooibos products. The tables were set with Rooibos teas to taste and Rooibos-infused pastries to eat. Ample time was allowed for networking and media interviews, and marketing material was made available.

Kieran van Zyl, Rooibos Ltd’s representative in Greater China, hosted a Rooibos masterclass at the event, covering various Rooibos products and the development of this unique South African plant.

The event was well attended by the media, importers and other interested parties. The importers were pleased with the support they receive from both the Embassy and the Rooibos Council.

Hosting the event was a team effort. Tshepiso Malele from BrandSA assisted with media activation while Bradley Brouwer from SA Tourism helped with tourism material of, among others, the Rooibos Route.

Said Charles Manuel from the South African Embassy in Beijing, “We intend this to be the first of many programmes in support of our export drive into China. Allow me to express my utmost appreciation for the support you continue to give to the Embassy in our quest to promote the best that South Africa has to offer.”

Click here for an article published in the Chinese magazine Absolute after the media event.